Understanding the Different Types of Braces


types of braces

Orthodontic treatment has evolved significantly over the years, offering a range of different braces to suit the unique needs and preferences of each patient. From traditional metal braces to nearly invisible aligners, each type of braces serves a specific purpose and comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Understanding the distinctions between these options can be instrumental in making an informed decision about your orthodontic care.

What Are Dental Braces?

Braces, also known as orthodontic braces, are devices used by dentists to straighten crooked teeth or correct one’s bite. They apply constant pressure on the teeth, gradually moving them in a specific direction to achieve the desired alignment. Braces are usually made of metal, ceramic, or plastic, and they’re like a ‘toolkit’ for your teeth. Just as tools help build a house, braces help build a beautiful smile!

Which Orthodontic Option Is Right for You?

Traditional Metal Braces: The Old Faithful

The most familiar type of braces is the traditional metal ones, a time-tested solution that has been helping patients align their teeth for decades. Crafted from high-grade stainless steel, these braces involve brackets and wires that work steadily to shift your teeth into the desired position. Despite being the most noticeable orthodontic option, metal braces offer the advantage of being highly effective for severe misalignment cases. Besides, they have evolved to become smaller, more comfortable, and even customizable with coloured bands for our younger patients.

Ceramic Braces: Aesthetic and Functional

For those who seek effectiveness similar to metal braces but wish for a less noticeable solution, ceramic braces could be the answer. They work in the same way as their metal counterparts but are made of a transparent ceramic material that blends with the colour of your teeth. While they offer an aesthetic advantage, ceramic braces require careful maintenance as they are larger and more prone to staining.

SureSmile Clear Aligners: The Clear Alternative

SureSmile clear aligners have revolutionized the world of orthodontics, offering a nearly invisible solution to teeth straightening. These clear, removable trays are custom-made for each patient, allowing for a comfortable fit and easy maintenance. They’re a great option for adults and teens wanting a more discreet orthodontic treatment. However, they require disciplined usage and are typically more expensive than traditional braces.

Each of these orthodontic options serves different needs and preferences. Therefore, a discussion with your orthodontist or general dentist is crucial to determine the best solution for you.

Understanding Basic Terms During Your Orthodontic Journey

  • Orthodontist: This is a special kind of dentist who has extra training in how to fix problems with teeth alignment. They’re the ones who plan your treatment and adjust your braces.
  • Brackets: These are small squares that are glued directly to the front of your teeth during the treatment. They hold the archwire that moves the teeth.
  • Archwire: This is the main wire that acts as a track to guide your teeth along. It’s changed periodically throughout treatment as your teeth move to their new positions.
  • Elastics: Sometimes, small rubber bands, or elastics, are used to help move the teeth. They’re typically stretched between different points on your braces to apply pressure and move your teeth in a particular direction.
  • Adjustment: This is a routine visit to the orthodontist where your braces are tightened, bent, or reshaped to speed up tooth movement.
  • Retainer: After your braces are taken off, a retainer is used to stop your teeth from moving back to their original position. They can be removable or fixed and are an important part of the orthodontic process.

At Serenity Dental in Beaumont, AB, we are committed to making your orthodontic journey as smooth and effective as possible. Our expert team provides comprehensive guidance and high-quality braces that ensure proper alignment and an outstanding smile. Remember, a beautiful smile is not just about looks, it’s an investment in your health and confidence. Don’t hesitate, take the first step towards a healthier, more radiant smile today. Contact us at Serenity Dental, where your smile is our top priority!